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Urazgul Tukhtabayeva
Master’s degree student,
Abylai Khan Kazakh university of international
Relations and world languages,
Kazakhstan, Almaty
            This article shows the relationship between the concepts of concept and stereotype. Many people say that the concept and the stereotype are not different, that both are one concept. This indicates that these two terms have a characteristic meaning, their features and peculiarities are considered and noted in this article.
            Key words: concept, stereotype, concept, print, ethnic group.
            In the paradigm of linguistic conceptualism, it is important to consider the correlation of concomitant phenomena -the concept and the stereotype.
In many works devoted to the study of the stereotype phenomenon, it is investigated from the point of view of social interaction as a kind of "model" of human behavior. This model is associated with the national deterministic choice of tactics and strategies of human behavior in a particular situation.
This choice always depends on a specific set of needs and motives. V. V. Krasnykh, analyzing the results of work on the study of the stereotype phenomenon, this approach allows us to consider stereotypes as signs representing the verbal consolidation of certain needs of a certain social group, ethnos, national-cultural region, the products of which act as stable manifestations of a certain activity, acting as objects that meet certain needs [Красных 2002].
            The stereotype, according to V. A. Ryzhkov, can be interpreted as "the communicative unity of a given ethnic group, capable of stimulating, typified influence on a person's consciousness by means of an actual representation of socially acceptable needs, forming appropriate motives in it [Рыжков 1988: 4-16].
            V. V. Krasnykh, a stereotype as a representation can come in two forms: firstly, as a certain scenario of a situation, secondly, as a real representation, i.e. not only as a canon, but also as a standard.
            In the first case, we are dealing with behavioral stereotypes that persist in consciousness in the form of stamps, acting as canons and performing a descriptive function, i.e. communicative, as well as determining verbal behavior and actions that should be performed in a specific communicative situation. These stereotypes fix, fix and act as invariants of a certain behavior.
            In the second case, stereotypes act as stereotypes-representations that are preserved as cliches of consciousness, serve as standards and perform the intended function, i.e. determine what is expected in a particular situation. They claim that they anticipate not the behavior itself, but a set of associations and determine the linguistic form of their expression. Since such stereotypes give a certain idea of the subject or situation, it is necessary to distinguish stereotypes-images (cliches) and stereotypes-situations (cliches / stamps).
            In connection with the above, the question of the relationship between the concepts of "stereotype" and "concept" is of particular interest in the context of modern research.
In cognitive linguistics, the concept is considered as a paradigmatic structure borrowed from the syntagmatic relations of the name fixed in the text (L. O. Cherneyko). Linguistic consciousness reveals ideas formed by time, fate, conscience, power, freedom or culture and expressed in language through a free combination of the names of time, fate, conscience, freedom, power, thought. The belonging of these words to one or another part of speech indicates that the phenomena behind them are of a substantive nature, i.e. they exist in themselves and, thanks to him, act as carriers of properties, properties, states, actions.
            A concept, unlike a stereotype, requires a high level of abstraction and represents any "idea", "concept".
            A stereotype is something real, it is an image-reflection, behind which there is always a structure of consciousness.
The concept of "idea" has a certain connotation, it completely refers to such concepts as "soul", "freedom", "will", etc., which are among the basic concepts of Russian culture and require careful study not only at the level of synchrony, but also in diachrony.
Thus, the differences between the concept and the stereotype are as follows:
* A concept is an idea, a concept, and a stereotype is an image-representation;
* A concept is a broad concept that includes linguistic components, and it manifests itself in free associations, where blocks can be predictable, and the more limited a stereotype is, the smaller it becomes in the process of creation and manifests itself in assumed associations.;
* The concept is more abstract and allows you to reproduce archetypes, and the stereotype is more concrete due to its "figurative" nature;
* The concept is a paradigmatic phenomenon, and the stereotype is functional, which manifests itself in communicative behavior;
* The concept is preserved in the form of a gestalt and a proposition, and the stereotype is preserved in the form of framework structures [2002].
            Thus, the topics of conversation are of particular importance for intercultural communication. It is important to know what and what not to talk about with representatives of other cultures. For example, it is better not to talk about the Second World War with the French, especially about the occupation, and it is better not to discuss their civil war with the Spaniards (N. Yapp, M. Sirette, D. Loney) [cit. by: Krasnykh 2002: 197]. There are no taboo topics for conversation in Australia. There is nothing like "not about the war." Of course, nowadays it is necessary to constantly remember about "political correctness": there is no need to criticize other peoples, misunderstandings, misunderstandings or disagreements with the policies pursued by the governments of other states.
List of literature:
1) Krasnykh V. V. Virtual reality or real virtuality? (Man. Conscience. Communications): Monograph. - M.: Dialog-MSU, 1998. - 352 p.
2) Krasnykh V. V. Fundamentals of psycholinguistics and theory of communication: A course of lectures. - M.: Gnosis, 2001. - 270 P.
3) Krasnykh V. V. Ethnopsycholinguistics and linguoculturology: A course of lectures. - M.: Gnosis, 2002. - 284 P.
4) Ryzhkov V. A. Features of stereotyping, necessary concomitant socialization of the individual within a certain nation of national and cultural community // Language construction: stereotypes and creativity. - M, 1988. - pp. 4-16..
5) Cherneyko L. O. Linguophilosophical analysis of an abstract name. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1997. - 320 p.
6) ethnolinguistic dictionary of Abduali Kaidar "Kazakhs in the world of the native language" volume I "man" 285 s
7) ethnolinguistic dictionary of Abduali Kaidar "Kazakhs in the world of the native language" volume I "man" 15 b


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