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Kipchakova Uldaulet Ermaganbetkyzy
K.Zhubanov  Aktobe Regional University
Faculty of Philology
            The article presents the results of the analysis of the transmission of the features of the audiovisual text at the lexical, syntactic and genre-stylistic levels of the text when translating the animated series "Adventure Time". The study revealed that the features of different levels of audiovisual text require different translation transformations. As a result, the features of the translation of the animated series "Adventure Time" from English are described.
            Animated films play an important role in today's media industry. Cartoons and animated series play an important role in the development of children's personalities by introducing them to images, music, and plots, as well as forming basic ideas about morality, tastes, and interactions with the outside world [4]. The animated material's various features as an audiovisual text will be determined by the focus on the children's and adolescent audience. The significance of our research is determined by this. We relied on the research of authors such as S.A. Skorokhodko, M.A. Kogan, E. S. Shchuklina, and M. S. Gabrusenok when writing this article.
            The goal of this research is to describe the main characteristics of the audiovisual text when translating the animated series "Adventure Time" into Kazakh.
            The following research methods were used to achieve the study's goal: analysis and synthesis methods, continuous sampling methods, linguistic stylistic analysis methods, and comparative methods. The animated series "Adventure Time" served as the basis for our research.
Modern cinema provides a plethora of animation products of various genres and styles, created using various animation techniques. From the standpoint of linguistics and translation studies, this implies the need to translate animated works from foreign languages into Kazakh, as well as the need to study translation as a distinct branch of audiovisual translation.
            The multivariability of animated works is due to the characteristics of the target audience's perception - children and adolescents. Based on psycholinguistic research, it can be argued that nonverbal means of communication in children are as important as verbal ones [3]. As a result, the cognitive characteristics of the children's audience determine the linguistic features of an animated work as an audiovisual text.
            Consider the lexical, syntactic, and genre-stylistic features of the audiovisual text when translating the animated series "Adventure Time" into Kazakh.
            My analysis helped to reveal that at the lexical level of the audiovisual text, features such as the use of simple and accessible vocabulary, the absence of complex terms, professionalism, obscene and profane language, archaisms, and neologisms are common.According to the frequency of use, simple language units prevail, for example, princess, magic, king, hero, friend, dog, wizard - ханшайым, сиқыр, патша, батыр, дос, ит, сиқыршы.These lexical units do not cause difficulties in understanding the children's audience, as well as difficulties in translation. It may be difficult to translate proper names from English into Kazakh. Performing the translation of proper names, such translation transformations as transcription and transliteration were mainly used: Marceline Abadeer - Marceline Abadir, Princess Bubblegum - Bubblegum Ханшайым, Finn Mertens - Finn Mertens, Lich - Lich. But some proper names required translation with the help of other translation transformations. An example is the translation of the heroine's name Tree Trunks as a piece of Wood– using calculus and modulation.
Some lexical units have undergone generalization techniques: in the replica "got a healthy and slimming breakfast, did 14 minutes of cardio", the lexical unit "cardio" was translated as "қуаттау", and other lexical units were omitted, for example, "getting into that tree house" was translated as "үйдің ішіне кіру".
            At the syntactic level, the main features are the use of simple syntactic constructions and sentences, the transmission of most of the information in the form of a dialogue (I'm not gonna let anything happen to them – I won't let anything happen to them, He inherits the right to control the throne - He inherits the right to rule the kingdom). The predominance of simple syntactic constructions implemented in the form of a dialogue is due to the specifics of audience perception and the peculiarities of the audiovisual text as a whole.
            The analysis of genre and stylistic features of the animated series as an audiovisual text allowed us to note the absence of a large number of stylistic means of figurative and artistic expression, the presence of a large number of epithets, comparisons, phraseological units and personifications, the use of repetitions, proverbs, poems and songs. Often the characters of the animated series use colloquial vocabulary: cool - керемет, dude - досым, man -жігіт, guys – адамдар. It should also be noted the frequent use of epithets (frozen blades – салқын жүздер, mystery train –жұмбақ пойыз), comparisons (you can sleep on her like a pillow – сен оған жастығың сияқты ұйықтай аласың, she's innocent like the steam of the puppy's nose searching for ham in a snow – ол  қарда шұжық іздеп жүрген күшіктің мұрнынан шыққан бу сияқты кінәсіз).Another feature of the animated series is the frequent use of poems and songs translated with the help of such translation transformations as functional analogues, omissions, additions and permutations for the adequate transmission of poetic texts.
            Thus, when analyzing the features of the audiovisual text based on the material of the animated series "Adventure Time", we identified a large number of lexical and semantic adaptations. The main translation transformations when translating an animated series from English into Kazakh are calcifications, omissions, additions, modulations, permutations, and the selection of functional analogues to achieve an adequate translation. The adaptations and transformations used by the translator are due to the need to bring the text into line with generally accepted language norms, adapt to the peculiarities of the audience, and the duration of replicas to perform high-quality dubbing.
             Thus,I discovered a large number of lexical and semantic adaptations when analyzing the features of the audiovisual text based on the material of the animated series "Adventure Time." When translating an animated series from English to Kazakh, the main translation transformations are calcifications, omissions, additions, modulations, permutations, and the selection of functional analogues. The translator used adaptations and transformations to bring the text in line with generally accepted language norms, adapt to the peculiarities of the audience, and the duration of replicas to perform high-quality dubbing.
1. Gabrusenok, M. S. Significance, V. S. Humanitarian technologies in education and the sociosphere: collection of scientific articles / editorial board: O.I. Ulanovich (ed.) [et al.]. - Minsk: Publishing Center of BSU, 2016. - pp.133-139
2. Skorokhodko, S.A., Kogan, M.A. Animated film as a translation problem // World literature at the crossroads of cultures and civilizations. 2015. – №2 (10).
3. Ulanovich, O. I. Psycholinguistics: Textbook / O.I. Ulanovich. - Minsk: Grevtsov Publishing House, 2010 - 240 p.
4. Shchukina, E. S. The role of modern animation in the upbringing of a child // Bulletin of Penza State University. 2013. No. 4.
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